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When You Sleep,Should you wear your bra on or off?

For thousands women,
wearing a bra is a necessity. For some women, they may not poverty to dress one all the time. Some women feel more ample wearing a bra all the time, including to bed, because they want the additional brace. Over the years, it has been suggested that women who wear a bra to bed will avoid problems with sagging and drooping. Now, however, there is greater anxiety than that. Some women worry that wearing a bra to bed can cause breast cancer

Purpose of a Bra

Bras were created to help the breasts. They help to keep the breasts lifted and firm. Over the years, women and men have viewed ill-supported breasts as unattractive. Bras, although initially created for a purpose, have become more stylish over the years. This may mean that many women will choose a bra according to how it looks, rather than how it fits or feels.

One Theory

There have been a few questions in contemporary years over whether wearing a bra long term can cause breast cancer. One theory is that wearing trustworthy types of bras--such as underwire bras--many hours a day can cause cancer. This theory was based on the design that constricting bras worn for long hours constrict the lymphatic system, which is meant to filter toxins out of the body. If toxins cannot escape, they build up, exceptionally in the breasts where the contraction occurs. The theory suggests this constriction can cause breast cancer to grow.

Bras Worn to Bed

Other studies have shown that although the breasts do have a large amount of the lymphatic system running through them, the solution flows up to the breast and out toward the armpit. This would forestall the toxins from settling into the breast tissue and getting trapped by the underwire.
No reading has ever proved conclusively that breast cancer was linked to midnight bra wearing.

The Comfort of Wearing a Bra at Night

Although there is no link between breast cancer and wearing a bra to bed, there is still an issue of being convenient. Wearing sure types of bras during the day may not be comfortable, such as tight underwire bras. This may not pose a risk with cancer, but it is not good for the skin to poked with an underwire. Being rich at night is significant to getting a good night's sleep.

How Women Should Wear a Bra

Women should first make sure that a bra fits right and comfortably. Women should not dress underwire bras that leave a redness or marks on the skin. Irritation marks indicate the bra does not fit aright. Women can go braless as long as it is snug to them, and they can wear a bra to bed so long as it is complacent. Massaging the breast does help with circulation, and it may feel good later wearing a bra for a long point of time.

From : ehow.com

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