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How to Ensure safety When Riding a Taxi Cab

There are many of us who takes taxi cab for our daily commute going to and fro from one place to another without a single thought to our safety. However, there are several factors that should be kept in mind to ensure safety especially because you are placing your life at the hands of a complete stranger.

For this purpose, as a taxi and limousine company that services the areas of Chicago and Northwest Chicago city, we have written this article to share with the commuting public as practical tips in ensuring safety during a taxi cab ride.

1. First and foremost when riding a cab, make a note of the cab number/information displayed on the dashboard or passenger’s door, whether you are the passenger or the parent who called for the taxi to take your son or daughter to their destination. Why? Because this will easily identify the taxi company and the driver of the vehicle should there be an accident.

2. This is also very helpful in many cases where you forget some belongings on the cab. A quick call to the taxi company will save you from a lot of trouble as the vehicle and the driver can easily be located for you.

3. Next, you can see a taxi I.D on the dashboard with the driver’s photo, match the picture with the driver. If they don’t match then it’s better to get another cab.

4. Before entering into the cab, make sure that the cabbie knows your destination and he is willing to take you in that place. This will save you from paying more money than you should, as opposed to someone who does not know his way around town.

5. Check the condition of the car. At a glance you can see for yourself if the car is well maintained or not. As much as possible, choose a taxi that are well maintained as this will not only ensure your safety and comfort but also lessen the chances of having a mechanical breakdown during your ride.

6. During the ride, make sure that you are familiar with the route that the driver is taking you. You can also simply ask your driver to take the route where you want him and he should comply with your request.

7. And of course, upon reaching your destination always check your belongings whether you have everything with you and nothing is left on the car. A quick glance of your seat will help that none of your things have slipped from your pocket, like your mobile phone or purse.

“Safety First” Several things can happen anytime and at the most unexpected moment. Being aware of these precautionary measures should always be applied and observed to ensure safety during a taxi ride.

Foods That Can Relieve Hearburn

Hearburn - Safe Foods to Use

Some foods can relief heartburn and are safe while others enhance acid reflux symptoms. You've got to keep this under consideration when making arrangements for a diet to control heartburn. Some foods lie in between and could cause harm only when taken excessively. You have to rigorously plan your diet over a period to discover the consequences of the actual effects of the foods you are consuming. Keep the diet flexible and not rigid depending on your past experience a certain kind of food vis-à-vis its effect on your acid reflux.

Usually Safe Foods

The following lists common foods that are just about safe for folk suffering from the symptoms of acid reflux:

-Fruits : dried or fresh apples, apple juice, bananas, pears, melons, berries
-Vegetables : Peas, cabbage, broccolis, carrots, beans, baked potatoes
-Dairy : Fat free sour cream and cream cheese, fat free soy cheese, skimmed low fat milk and yogurt
-Meat : Fat-free meat, skinless chicken breast, turkey, fish, egg whites
-Grains: White bread, corn bread, oatmeal, rice, rice cakes, pretzels
-Beverages: Non-citrus juices, non-mint decaffeinated herbal tea, mineral water
-Fats and Oils: Low-fat salad dressing
-Sweets, desserts: Jelly bins, reduced fat Cookie

Heartburn Relief Foods

Investing a little time in discovering foods that cause the symptoms or aggravate your heartburn goes a long way in preventing the condition. Note down the foods that have negatively influenced you and if similar results occur over a period of time, avoid those foods. There's no strictly ideal diet as foods not affecting others may worsen your acid influx. Among the commonest acidic reflux foods are the ones high in fat like meat, fried foods and cheese or ice cream. Spicy preparations and citrus fruits are also acid reflux foods. Among plants, tomatoes and onions are high in acid and so are caffeinated drinks which are best avoided. A correct diet can prevent acid backwash from turning into more heavy ailments.

Copyright - James Mwangi 2009. Founder and Owner of Acid Reflux Articles. This is a complete article resource to help folks understand acidic burn illness, select the best acid reflux cure, product reviews, heartburn related books and lots more information about acid burn, as we are keen about helping as many folks as practical regain and maintain perfect health.

If you are totally serious of finding a cure to your condition, as well as getting real worth for your cash, then I highly suggest you to TAKE ACTION NOW and learn the way to naturally cure your GERD, acidic reflux, bile reflux or any digestive problem by going to No More Heartburn.

The Benefits of Melatonin to Promote Sleep

Melatonin is also called the “hormone of darkness." This is because production of this particular hormone is only permitted at night. It is present in human beings, animals and in some other living organisms like algae. It has been seen that these hormones help improve sleep, and melatonin containing products have been available in the U.S. as a nutritional supplement since the year 1993.

According to scientists, sleep gives our body the chance to maintain and repair the body and mind. When we are sleeping, cell growth, and cell repair takes place fighting the various effects of harmful UV rays and stress. Sleep deprivation can take a negative toll on human functioning.

Melatonin hormone is produced by a small gland located near the center of the brain; this gland is called the pineal gland. Melatonin is responsible for controlling the “circadian rhythm"; i.e. the 24-hour body clock that controls when we feel like sleeping. Melatonin release is stimulated by darkness and is not permitted in the presence of light, for some of us this is root of sleep deprivation.

Shift workers have to sleep during the day when melatonin levels are at a low; this makes them work against their natural circadian rhythms. Frequent travelers also suffer from a similar issue, changing time zones can confuse the body clock. As a result, it can have a negative effect on your sleep patterns.

Usually, most people have enough melatonin in their bodies but the elderly may lack this hormone as the production of melatonin decreases with growing age.

It is very much possible to reset our body clocks by consuming melatonin supplements. If you are a shift worker, melatonin may be your best bet. If you feel the need to take melatonin then it is wise to start with a low dose of 1 mg, after some time you can work that up to 3 mg. However if you are still experiencing trouble falling asleep, you may want to try other alternatives. Keep in mind that melatonin can act as a mild contraceptive, so avoid consuming it.

Melatonin is a very important antioxidant. Because of this property, it is also being studied as a possible treatment for cancer. The antioxidant effects may enhance the efficiency of the drugs and may help reduce its side effects.

Melatonin is a hormone that promotes restful and REM sleep. Because of this, it has been seen that it leads to a greater dream frequency and that too for longer durations. It may also lead to increased REM sleep just before waking up, a time when it is easier for you to remember your dreams.

You can also stimulate melatonin release by eating food rich in tryptophan, food items like turkey, milk, eggs, etc. These food items produce serotonin, which works for the production of melatonin in the body. Another great way to stimulate the production of melatonin is to get proper sunlight in the daytime; this is an effective way to ensure that your body clock is properly set.

All in all, melatonin is very important for good health and proper rest. If you are unable to get proper sleep and are running low on the melatonin hormone, consult a specialist or try out the above-mentioned tips. Remember that at least 6 hours of sleep is crucial for good health so do not compromise with it. Sweet dreams!

Top Reasons to Buy Electronic Cigarettes

Now days Electronic cigarettes are going more and more favorable for smoker and non-smoker, its great alternative to real cigarette. People give up the real cigarettes, Why? Read following reasons why they accept the electronic cigarette:

1. Electronic cigarettes not containing tar, carbon monoxide, or carcinogens unlike the thousands that are normally found in traditional cigarettes. Normal cigarettes contain many harmful poisons that you will not find in electronic cigarettes. A big reason to buy electronic cigarettes!

2. No more having to worry about passive smoke that could bother the non smokers that may be around you when you are smoking. Not only are electronic cigarettes healthier for you, they give off zero percent passive smoke. So it wouldn’t harm one who loves.

3. Electronic cigarette need no ashtrays. Since they do not produce any ashes or nasty butts to dispose of. Electronic cigarettes also cut out the mess made from smoking traditional cigarettes.

4. No need of lighter! Electronic cigarettes are non-flammable. You will no longer need to search for that lighter or match boxes.


5. No wastage! The thing about the expense of traditional tobacco cigarettes is that a smoker will sometimes smoke a whole cigarette when they really might not even want to, just so they do not waste the product. The E-cigarette has absolutely no waste. You can start and stop it anytime you want.

6. No more stinky smelling clothes. When you use an electronic cigarette you inhale pure water vapor which contains no odor. When you smoke normal cigarette little smell of smoking left to your clothes, in Electronic Cigarette you doesn’t found that, you can put it on your pocket.

7. Electronic cigarettes are less expensive than smoking regular cigarettes. The traditional pack of cigarettes costs you more. Every electronic cigarette cartridge is almost equal to one full pack.

8. Electronic cigarettes do not give off smoke! When you inhale an electronic cigarette you breathing in water vapor with nicotine in it. So when you puff it out there are no harmful pollutants that released into the air.

9. With electronic cigarettes you can smoke everywhere you want with no worry of starting a fire. Even also placed where smoking ban.

10. Electronic cigarettes are rechargeable and are ready whenever you are ready to smoke. You can smoke just a little or longer if you like. There is no lighting with fire to worry when you smoke.

11. Qualified to get lower insurance rates since you will technically be considered a non smoker since you will not be tobacco user. Once you receive you order makes sure to give your insurance company a call and let them know you are not smoke tobacco any more and watch your insurance rates drop!

12. Once you buy and use an electronic cigarette your body and you will begin to notice the relief of no longer ingesting all of those added poisons real cigarette contains.

13. Electronic cigarettes are part of the green environment, so it would helpful to solve the global warming problem.

14. Improved self-esteem by losing the feeling of being a smoker. Using an electronic cigarette may seem like you are smoking but in reality you are not! In that way you can quit smoking, now no one can you tell a smoker.

15. Take a deep breath time for the biggest reason. Fresher breath! Women will flock to you; men will be more attracted to you. Best of all it is the best way to all around hide your disgusting habit from others. When you use electronic cigarettes nobody can even tell that you have a smoking habit!

16. That’s the big reason to have a smoke with electronic cigarettes.

Hope you all have read all the reason to buy electronic cigarette. So what you are waiting for, go direct to premiumecigarette.com and get your electronic cigarette today at compare rates.

How To Treat Insomnia: Verified Methods

Insomnia can affect many people, and it does not seam to have a rule about who gets affected. Even people that never experienced trouble sleeping can get insomnia, without apparent reason. That can mean inability to fall asleep, but also inability to sleep for the necessary amount of time.

This are some verified methods of improving the quality of your sleep. A sleep routine will do you good, so try to go to sleep and get up at the same hour, even when you are on holidays or during weekends.

Another good idea is to see your doctor and ask them about your general health condition. The reasons for insomnia can be identified this way.

Many times, insomnia is just a sign of another illness, or condition. Sometimes anxiety or depression have a role in this. Other diseases can contribute to lack of good sleep, but you must investigate to see which is the culprit.

Certain habits must be avoided for six hours before going to bed. Alcohol is not a good idea, because, even when consumed in little quantities, the sleep becomes disruptive. Caffeine is out of the question, no matter in which form is consumed, as coffee, tea, chocolate, or medicine. Nicotine must also be excluded, because this can also affect sleeping habits in a negative way. Also, beverages with ginseng, guarana, kola or ginger, must be avoided. Eating too much can contribute to insomnia, as well. A heavy meal will stimulate the body to digest and that will produce energy that will have to be consumed, preventing sleep to appear.

On the other hand, there are activities that can help you go to sleep. Exercising daily is one of them. Also, one hour in the sun each day will help you get enough to stimulate the body to enter a healthy sleep wake cycle.

Some natural sleep aids are available on the market. A mixture of ginger essential oil with a teaspoon of carrier oil rubber in the soles of the feet will induce good night sleep. Milk is a good drink to consume before going to bed, because it is rich in melatonin, a substance that induces sleep. You can also take melatonin tablets, or drink some valerian or chamomile tea before going to bed.

Meditation and relaxation help, as well. A cool and dark bedroom is also sleep inducing. A good method is to buy a white noise generator from the store, that will help the background sounds to be masked, so they do not disturb your sleep. Soft music played on your mp3 player will help, as well.

7 Insomnia Tips To Help You Sleep Better Each Night

These insomnia tips are not just for people with bad cases of insomnia (otherwise known as Chronic insomnia). In truth, these insomnia tips can be used by anyone and everyone whom is having a hard time getting to sleep each night. That being said, if you want to get to sleep faster and stay asleep longer, follow these simple tips.

1. A regular bedtime means more restful sleep.
Having regular routines might not be your "thing", but it's the best way to program your body to know when it's time to sleep. So, make it a goal to go to bed the same time each night. It may be difficult at first due to the fact that you're not completely tired, but after awhile, your body will get the hint and you'll fall asleep in no time.

2. Warm milk soothes jagged nerves.
Believe it or not, you might not be getting enough sleep because of your nerves. Calm and sooth your nerves with a glass of warm milk 15 minutes before bed and you'll have no problem getting to sleep.

3. Naps hurt, they don't help.
It may seem like a swell idea at the time, but that nap will actually hurt your sleeping habits more than it will help them. A nap makes you less tired, making it harder to fall asleep when bed time comes around. Avoid the nap so that you can sleep better later.

4. Rest on your back, not on your front.
Sleeping on your back is the best possible position for relaxation. While on your back, all of your organs will rest peacefully in their proper positions. While sleeping on your sides or stomach, unwanted pressure will be applied to your vital organs.

5. Sleep With Your Feet Facing North.
This may be the strangest of insomnia tips, but it is a widely held belief in India that the body is just one big magnet; much like the north and south pole. By sleeping with your feet (South Pole) pointing to the north, it is said that you can get a more recuperative sleep.

6. The Bed is For Sleep.
Your body needs to know that your bed is for sleep, period. Working, watching TV, reading a book, planning tomorrows activities, etc. isn't going to help your insomnia problem. Having said that, keep activities to a minimum while in your bed; this way, your body will be able to easily identify "bed" with "sleep".

7. Take a Relaxing Bath.
A nice warm bath, 15-20 minutes before bed, is one of the best relaxation techniques around. Simply relax in the tub for awhile and then head off to bed. Insomnia home remedies don't get much easier than this.

Will these 7 insomnia tips cure your sleeping problems? Probably not, unfortunately. However, using these tips regularly will definitely make your insomnia problem LESS of a problem. If you don't think so, well, you could always just go spend your hard earned cash on expensive, and rather useless over the counter sleep aids.

Four Tips For Better Sleep

These days a lot of people are too willing to give up sleep for other things, many treat sleep as a luxury rather than a necessity. Restful sleep is sometimes sacrificed for things like going to a party with friends, reading a book or playing computer games. However, everyone should know that sleep is an essential part of a healthy life style just like food and exercise. A chronic lack of sleep can lead to a person getting physically sick, and being awake with no sleep for a couple of weeks may even cause death.

For the many who are having trouble sleeping, there are a lot of things that can help. Even simple changes in your routine, like turnings off all lights in your bedroom, can aid in achieving restful sleep. Here are a few other ways to promote better sleep:

1. Take a warm bath. After a difficult day at work or at home taking care of your children, a warm bath will help relax sore muscles. A few minutes in the bath with some soft music and scented candles will make you crave a warm bed to sleep on.

2. Get massage. The most common cause of insomnia is stress. A massage will relax your muscles and mind and help achieve sleep at night. If you do not have a lot of money to spend, ask your spouse or partner to massage your back, rub your feet or maybe even a full body massage. Make sure that you do the same for your partner if he or she also needs to relax.

3. No clutter in your bedroom. If you are surrounded by clutter it can be very difficult for the mind to calm down. It might be hard to relax if you see dirty laundry all over the room, books on the bed and papers on the floor. It will be much easier to fall asleep if your mind is not reminded that there is still things that has not been done yet. Try cleaning the bedroom and you will see that this can help you get your much-needed sleep.

4. Natural Sleep Supplements. Taking pills to induce sleep is not always a good idea, it can even be harmful for those who also take other medications. A better alternative is natural sleep supplements. They are not meant to cure sleep problems, but will help in promoting a more restful and satisfying sleep.

Insomnia Tips - Cure Insomnia Fast in 7 Easy Ways

Did you know that the effect of insomnia can be more than just a lack of concentration & focus? No? Well, don't be surprised, as most people have no clue that insomnia is more than just a "temporary" nuisance. In fact, if not kept in check, insomnia can lead to an onslaught of illnesses and diseases, which is due to the lessening of individual's immune system. Having said that, if you want to keep insomnia from destroying your life, follow these 7 insomnia tips.

7 Insomnia Tips for a Better Nights Rest.

Avoid Alcohol, Caffeine, and Tobacco:

Non-herbal tea, soft drinks, coffee, and even some foods contain high amounts of caffeine which will keep you up as opposed to helping you fall asleep. In addition, studies show that alcohol and tobacco usage upsets the natural sleeping process, thereby preventing a person from obtaining a deep, sound sleep.

Sleep On Your Back, Not On Your Sides:

Sleeping on your back, studies prove, makes for a more restful and relaxing sleep. Being on your back allows for all the internal organs in your body to rest properly, without any unwanted pressure being applied; such as when you sleep on your side or stomach.

Keep a Routine:

Try to make it a goal of yours to get up the same time everyday, regardless of the day it is; birthday, holiday, weekend, etc. By keeping a rhythm in your sleeping patterns, your body will know precisely when it's time to go to bed and when it's time to get up.

Use Herbal Teas:

Drinking herbal tea -- be it lavender, chamomile, valerian, passionflower, etc. -- can be a great way to relax and unwind before bed. Many of these teas have natural sedative properties which induce sleep quite quickly. 1 or 2 cups of your favorite herbal tea and you'll be out like a light.

Never Catch Up On "Lost" Sleep:

Just because you didn't get enough sleep yesterday, that doesn't mean you need to sleep in today. That type of thinking is seriously flawed and will do your body and sleeping habits no good; according to most experts that is.

Sleep In a Dark Room With Fresh Air:

As you can well guess, a brightly lit room isn't all that suitable for a good nights rest; even more so if that room isn't properly ventilated. That being said, be sure to sleep in a room with minimal light and proper ventilation. Also, try to set the temperature to around 65 degrees, as studies show this is the most comfortable setting when trying to sleep.

The Bed Is For Sleep, Not Hobbies:

You have to program your body and mind to know that the bed is for sleeping. As soon as you hit that bed, your body needs to know that it's time to sleep, period. Watching TV, reading a book, finishing work, planning tomorrows activities, etc. reverses that "programming" and makes it harder for you to fall asleep.

These few insomnia tips might not cure your sleeping problem completely, but they're sure to help!

Best Moisturizer For Acne Prone Skin - The Amazing Secret All Natural Method

Tons of people all over the place are seeking out the greatest moisturizer for acne prone skin. There are plenty of questions that people require to be answered like where they should get it or which type should I use.

To many people still believe that one type of moisturizer is as good as another and will take the first thing they see. This is the exact opposite of what you ought to do. You should at least make sure you pick something non-comodogenic. Products that aren't will only cause more breakouts because they're to thick and to greasy. When I was younger, I even bought a maximum strength moisturizer and put a huge amount on my face. Imagine my dismay when I woke up with a batch of new pimples and I even found out I was allergic to the product on top of that!

Hopefully by now, most people with acne prone skin go for non-comodogenic types when looking for the best moisturizer for acne prone skin. What's good about these is that they're made specifically to not clog pores. For maximum effectiveness, you should really put on two very, very light coats instead of one large one. This helps keeps your pores from getting clogged while providing maximum effectiveness.

Something else that you can do is add two ingredients into your moisturizer to increase its effectiveness. Those two ingredients are AHA or alpha hydroxy acid and Jojoba Oil. AHA's increase the effectiveness of moisturizers as they help smooth out your skin and help prevent breakouts by keeping pores clear. Jojoba will help turn an ordinary moisturizer into a super moisturizer for acne prone skin because it closely mimics the natural oils on our face, really maximizing ordinary products. The skin is also tricked in a way, thinking it has already made enough sebum so it dials down production.

While these are some good options, I think a completely natural route is the best way to go when looking for the best moisturizer for acne prone skin. Moisturizers, no matter how gentle they are or claim to be, are still at their roots chemicals. Our skin was not made to accept chemicals and moisturizers can also have a very adverse affect on the skin. They work by pinching the pores shut which helps retain water. This pinching can lead to more breakouts and just isn't very good for you.

What you CAN do is make a superb and completely natural moisturizer that not only keeps your skin hydrated, but also heals it and makes it look good at the same time. All you need is that Jojoba I mentioned and some Aloe Vera Gel. Both are very easy to find, but when looking for aloe vera gel, make sure it's at least 98% pure.

When you combine a little of each product in your hand, they mix to form the absolute best moisturizer for acne prone skin that I've ever found. These all natural ingredients won't do anything harmful to your skin and can help clear away blemishes more quickly while making your skin look radiant.

I've always been a huge advocate of natural products and methods to clear away acne. I think this is the very best moisturizer for acne prone skin and I hope you give it a try.

How To Fall Asleep: Great Tips For A Perfect Sleep

If you find yourself unable to sleep, with your mind locked in thousands running thoughts and with a tense and stiff body, then you may think that the night is ruined and the next day will be all lost. Do not worry, there are tricks that can help you get your sleep without any drugs or sleeping pills. This article will inform you on a couple of ways to fall asleep fast.

Make a sleeping ritual. Try to create some before-sleep habits and repeat them for a couple of weeks until they become natural and automated. Disconnect yourself from the routine with couple of hours in advance, take a relaxing bath, drink a warm milk and perfume your sleeping bed with a mild perfume or essential oils. Keep this ritual going for more weeks and you will never have any problems with your sleep.

Most of the time you have problems sleeping because the body does not have the right comfort to rest. Check your mattress and buy a new one, adjust the room temperature so that is neither too cold or too hot, keep it a little colder than usual and you will fall asleep faster. Take a little time to tidy up your bedroom so that you can feel comfortable and secure before sleeping in.

Sound and light can become problems that hinder your sleep. Try to cover all sharp lights like alarm clocks, TV lids and cell phone displays with a towel or any clothing available. Keep a dark environment or use diffuse warm lighting for a perfect sleeping ambiance.

There are many ways to fall asleep fast, and one of them is to read something calming like a fairy tale or a nonfictional book. Those will make you sleepy and give you nice thoughts to dream about when you sleep.

Get your body in a comfy position and try to wear light clothing or nothing at all. Your body must be relaxed, not stretched and twisted, so adjust your position until you feel no pressure nor pain. Use soft fresh clothes for sleep or sleep nude if you can as the body will have more room and comfort and you will feel good and sleep well.

One can meditate before sleep, taking away all the minds turmoil and calming down the whole mind. Focus on a relaxing word or picture and let all other things in your mind free to go away. Relax your body keeping each muscle in a neutral position afterwards and you will find yourself sleeping in no time.

Imagine a happy story or sing a cheerful song in your mind. Some people use this as one of the ways to fall asleep. It may work for you too, or it may not. Try it and see how it goes.

If nothing works, try to use natural drugs and herbs that can produce sleep and calm your mind and body. Tryptophan is found at many health food stores and it can help you find your lost sleep without any negative effects.

Power Colon Cleanse - How to Burn Off Fat and Flush Out Toxins at the Same Time

If you are like many others including myself, then you probably have grown weary of hearing about all the latest diet crazes. It just seems like every year a new bunch of them come out all of which are useless in helping you achieve your weight loss goals. Shedding those on wanted extra pounds and increasing your energy levels is important to achieving overall fitness. However, if you are also suffering from painful bloating and gas symptoms to than the chances that you might be suffering from issues associated with your colon may be good.

The choice is on the market today regarding diets and exercise routines can be overwhelming to just about anyone when it comes to losing weight. The one choice that so many have chosen before you including myself is that of Power Cleanse Pro. This particular product is the original and one of the best internal colon cleansing products currently available on the market day; especially with regards to ones that are designed to help you lose weight.

Already more than 300 bottles of Power Cleanse Pro have been sold throughout the world and currently there are more than half a million people making use of this product on a daily basis. That certainly is a lot of people that agree that this product actually works and it helps them achieve their weight loss goals simply through the removal of the harmful toxins which have built up within their body.

This colon cleansing product known as Power Cleanse Pro features 12 all natural ingredients which are designed to effectively assist you in burning off excess weight as well as ridding yourself of the toxin which block of your lower intestines. Because it's all natural composition is both safe and gentle on the human body.

Of course there are so many benefits of using this product list that doing so here would be next to impossible so instead I have opted to list some of the most important features that anyone is looking for when seeking out a weight loss option:

- You will be able to flush out all the waste that is built up in your body.
- You'll be able to burn off the fat that has been giving you a hard time all these years.
- You will be able to increase your metabolism to keep the weight off.
- You will be able to fight off the fatigue that prevents you from losing weight begin with.

In order to ensure that you're able to live a healthy and active lifestyle it is important that you make sure that your body is free of any parasites or toxins that can harm it. Furthermore, it is important that you make sure that you are at the proper weight level for your build and structure to ensure that you are able to maintain the best possible fitness levels.

The most important aspect though is to make sure that your body has no toxins contained within it. A healthy person will have between one and three bowel movements each and every single day and if you are having less than you all are absorbing toxins. These toxins are preventing you from having the active and healthy life that you are seeking.

The results of Power Colon Cleanse has been proven by many users. However, to determine if it is the right product for you, it is best to try it out and see it for yourself. Afterall, you get a FREE 30-Day supply to try it out. You've got nothing to lose but those unwanted fat.

TOPTEN Emergency Preparedness for an Earthquake

earthquake can strike any time and better preparedness for an earthquake can ensure your safety and your family's safety. During an earthquake, one can feel vibration of the ground, noise which progressively grows louder, swaying sensation etc. Most injuries and deaths from earthquake are due to falling objects and debris, especially near the entry and exit points. Knowing how an earthquake can affect you and planning to deal with it beforehand can greatly reduce the chances of injury and death. Emergency preparedness for an earthquake involves discussing with your family about steps to take when an earthquake occurs. When people are filled with panic and fear during an earthquake, they tend to act in an improper way. Planning to deal with an earthquake before it occurs can enable your family to act in the best possible way when the earthquake strikes.

Top 10 Emergency Preparedness For an Earthquake:


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Here are the top 10 emergency preparedness tips for an earthquake:
  • Know the safe spots in your home: Safe spots are those places where there is a minimal chance of an object and debris falling from above. Some examples of safe spots are hallways, archways, room corners, spots under heavy tables, desks etc.
  • Practice Safety Drills With Your Family: Safety drills are the actions one has to take during an earthquake. Some of the safety drills you can practice with your family are - getting under heavy table or desk; covering one's face with arms; staying clear of places where objects can fall; standing or crouching in safe spots, corners, and strongly supported doorways.
  • Evacuation Plans: An evacuation plan enables your family to escape during the first signs of emergency. You can discuss and come up with a sketch of an evacuation plan for your house. You can also include a second evacuation plan.
  • Repair: Leaky gas connections, improper electrical wiring and defective utility services can be hazardous during emergency. So, make sure you repair such problems in your home by seeking professional help.
  • Anchor the appliances, fixtures: Anchor the appliances such as refrigerator, gas equipment, furnace, water heater etc. firmly to the wall. Overhead lightning fixtures should also be anchored. This will minimize the falling of objects during an earthquake.
  • Put Heavy Objects in Lower shelves: Heavy objects, breakables such as china, glass etc. should be placed in lower shelves. This will prevent them from falling and causing injuries during an earthquake.
  • Make a list of important information: Write down important such as important telephone numbers, vehicle numbers, medications list, bank account numbers etc. and put them in a secure place.
  • Make a priority List: Make a priority list which details the actions to be done when an earthquake strikes. Your list can include important things to carry such as food, utilities etc., turning off utilities, locking doors, using fire extinguisher etc.
  • Store Important Documents: Store important documents such as insurance policies, education certificates, birth certificates, wills etc. in a fire-proof safe.
  • Ensure your home has stable foundation: Make sure your home has a strong foundation. Also take up any repairs if necessary.
Emergency preparedness for an earthquake minimizes injury, damage to your home and increases your safety. So, make sure you prepare yourself beforehand to escape the disastrous affects of an earthquake.


Unique hair loss pills – Propecia

Brief Description

Propecia (Finasteride) is a prescription medication that’s licensed to treat male pattern baldness in men. It works by blocking the conversion of testosterone into DHT, the hormone which causes male pattern baldness. Propecia can stop hair loss and help to re-grow lost hair. Finasteride is available as 1mg tablet for hair loss treatment.

About male baldness treatment

Male pattern baldness sadly has no cure; no product exists on the market that can completely eradicate male baldness. However, there are certain treatments that help with hair re-growth. These treatments include prescription medications like Rogaine and Propecia, as well as surgical procedures like Follicular Micro Grafting, a treatment that can help replace dying hair follicles with fresh healthy follicles.

what is Propecia?


Used for the treatment of male pattern hair loss on the vertex and the anterior mid-scalp area, Cialis is a prescription medication that prevents the production of the hormone that causes hair loss. Male pattern hair loss is a pretty common condition in which men experience thinning of the hair on the scalp. Sometimes, this thinning results in a receding hairline and/or balding on the top of the head.

How does Propecia work?

With Finasteride as its active ingredient, Propecia is a pill that blocks the conversion of male testosterone into DHT (or di-hydrotestosterone), the fundamental hormone that is responsible for male pattern baldness in men. Propecia has been found to effectively reduce hair loss; it even promotes new hair growth. Because of its effectiveness in reducing hair loss and enhanced hair re-growth, Propecia has become a very popular male baldness treatment.

How should it be taken?

Propecia must be taken exactly as prescribed by your doctor. You must not take the drug in larger doses or for longer than recommended. It is best to follow the directions on the prescription label. You can: •Take Propecia with a full glass of water •Take Propecia with or without food However, the most important thing about Propecia is that it must be used regularly so that the maximum benefit is obtained. You may need to take Propecia daily for three months or more before you can see any visible difference. Propecia is known to work over the long term only if you stop using the treatment the improvements will quickly wear off. If Propecia has not worked for you over a twelve month period, further treatment is unlikely to be beneficial. It’s best to speak to your doctor is you have any concern over treatment.

Side effects of Propecia

Propecia, like other prescription medications, may have potential side effects for some users. Some of the more minor side effects of Propecia are swelling or tenderness in the hands, feet or chest, pain in the testicles, a reduced sexual potency, dizziness or feeling faint, weakness, a runny nose or a skin rash. There are a few more serious side effects to using Propecia, which are rare. If you experience hives, difficulty breathing or any swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, then you should seek medical assistance immediately. You should also contact your doctor straight away if you notice any breast lumps, pain, nipple discharge or other changes around your upper chest area. This is not a complete list of side effects. Other side effects may also occur. Tell your doctor about any unusual or bothersome side effect that you notice. Propecia is meant for use by men only and should not be used by women or children. Propecia tablets must be stored at room temperature away from moisture, heat and light. Keep the bottle tightly closed when not in use.

Beauty Tips For Stealing The Bride’s Show

You can’t wear a white dress to a wedding. It’s just not a subtle enough method for stealing the show. Turn up at the ceremony wearing a floor-length cream silk number, and suddenly everyone’s muttering insults about how you’re the “Inappropriate One.” Instead, walk in looking a level of gorgeous that diverts attention without being completely trashy. Kate Bosworth’s Met Ball hair and makeup (and dress) absolutely slaughtered the competition, and we show you how to steal her look after the jump.

The Hair: It’s old Hollywood without being too fussy and we really couldn’t love it any more than we do.


  1. Wash hair, spritz roots with volumizing tonic (like this one), part to one side, and blow dry straight, starting at the roots for volume.
  2. Using a wide barrel curling iron, wrap sections—about one-inch wide—around the iron, getting as close to the roots as you can and holding it there for five to ten seconds. Spray each chunk lightly with styling spray like this one from Nexxus first so the curls will stick.
  3. Once you’ve finished your entire head, mist lightly with styling spray to give it hold without being crunchy.

The Makeup: Bosworth looks pretty (not tarty) because she stuck with a bold lip and toned everything else down. Follow suit.

  1. Above all else, your skin should look fresh and natural. Just work in a little under eye concealer and cover small blemishes (with this) before dusting on a light layer of NARS sheer powder for a soft finish.
  2. If you’re looking a little pale, a subtle blush—NARS’ powder blush in Orgasm remains my go-to—will do the trick.
  3. For eyes, brush on a heaping helping of volumizing or lengthening mascara (Fiberwig is amazing and won’t come off throughout the night) and leave your lids smudge-free.
  4. And now, the money maker: your lips. Sweet mother of God, that is a gorgeous red Kate’s wearing. Stay away from super shiny or slippery, it won’t serve you well throughout the evening. NARS’ lip pencil in Dragon Girl is my official Favorite Red both for its rich color and the fact that, once on, it doesn’t not frickin’ budge for hours. Plus, you won’t need a separate lip pencil with this one to keep it from bleeding, and we’re always into simplifying.

Now you’re good to go beauty-wise, but keep in mind that Bosworth’s look was also heavily aided by that drop-dead gorgeous dress. Her chest isn’t hanging out all over the place, she’s not covered in jewelry, and there’s no way anyone could say she looks inappropriate. But the sheer lace top is a reserved variety of sexy that’s much more beautiful than cleavage and corsets.

Lower Back Pain Symptoms and Treatment Options

While there are many causes of lower back pain, most cases of low back pain can typically be linked to either a general cause - such as muscle strain - or a specific and diagnosable condition, such as degenerative disc disease or a lumbar herniated disc.

In the US, lower back pain is one of the most common conditions and one of the leading causes of physician visits. In fact, at least four out of five adults will experience it at some point in their lives.

Ironically, the severity of the pain is often unrelated to the extent of physical damage. For example, muscle spasm from a simple back strain can cause excruciating lower back pain that can make it difficult to walk or even stand, whereas a large herniated disc or completely degenerated disc can actually be completely painless.

By: Peter F. Ullrich, Jr., MD

Beauty Tips For City Hall Weddings

If your friend’s getting married at City Hall, she’s probably a no-nonsense girl. She wants to get the job done and she wants it done now. This doesn’t mean you can put in zero effort just ‘cause it’s not a big ceremony and the selection of groomsmen is tiny. We love Cynthia Nixon’s look for its sophisticated prettiness and tell you how to get it after the jump!

How To Do Your Hair and Makeup For A City Hall Wedding

The Makeup: Nixon’s light but eye-catching makeup is lovely and daytime appropriate.

  1. Moisturize your face, lady. Too many people skip this step and then wonder why their makeup is seeping into their face and looking so nasty. Kiehl’s Sodium PCA Oil Free Moisturizer is the jam, regardless of your skin type.
  2. Fix those eye bags and blemishes with a dual concealer like Laura Mercier’s Secret Camouflage. If you buy a two-sided concealer like that one—one side thicker for face, one lighter for under eyes—you’ll save yourself a bit of money and some space in your makeup bag.
  3. Go with a lightweight powder foundation applied sparingly to camouflage any remaining bachelorette party-puff. Laura Mercier does a bang up job with her Mineral Powder Foundation. When I’m not feeling too lazy to put on makeup, I swear by it for a subtle, fresh finish.
  4. Blush them cheeks up. Georgia Peach by Benefit is a peach color that’s difficult to screw up.
  5. For your eyes, start with a light application of Urban Decay’s Eyeshadow Primer Potion in Champagne. This is should extend up to your brows but very subtly. Blend well so the color is barely perceptible above the crease of the eye. (This serves the dual purpose of looking nice and keeping your next layer from smudging.)
  6. Now apply NARS shadow in a semi-sparkly golden color like Ondine. This should only extend a tad above the crease of the eye. Now blend again.
  7. For eyeliner, something soft like M.A.C’s Eye Kohl in Costa Riche brown will do the trick. Apply above the lash, blend, and then apply very lightly right below the bottom lash line and blend again. If you’ve got dark hair, brush on some black mascara. If you’re lighter, you may want to lighten it up a bit with a dark brown.
  8. The lips are easy. Just choose a rich, shiny lipstick like M.A.C’s Slimshine in Assertive, put it on and go. If you want a bit of extra shine, you can add a little clear gloss on top.

The Hair: Tight buns are sexy and appropriate for a civil wedding ceremony, but when it comes to hair, the most flattering buns have a certain amount of softness. Cynthia Nixon gets it right. A quick note, though: Cyn’s hair is short. See the front pieces hanging in front of her ears? That’s how not-long it is. When your hair is this chopped, you’ll be using way more bobby pins than someone recreating this look with longer hair since corralling all the choppy pieces can be tough.

  1. Start by applying a volumizer to damp hair at the roots. (It ups the body and movement factor.) Blow dry your hair—if you have naturally straight hair use your hands to increase volume, if you’re super-wavy or curly, get the old paddle brush out and use that to achieve Cynthia’s sleekness.
  2. The key to this up-do, like a lot of ‘dos out there, is teasing. You need that “bump” at the crown of your head. Back-comb hair, but don’t go overboard. Tease just enough to create texture. Stop if things get big and stiff.
  3. Part the first few inches of your head, and separate the section that you will eventually brush across your face.
  4. Gather the remaining hair at the nape of your neck (it’s the easiest and most universally-flattering). If you can not form a ponytail here, pin back loosely. For longer hair, create a pony tail and pull out sections of hair where the ponytail gets too tight. Create a simple bun covering the hair elastic.
  5. Finish by brushing the front section of hair loosely across your face, tucking it behind your ear. Spray lightly with hairspray. And remember, no up-do you create on yourself will be perfect, so just go with it!

Low Back Pain from Muscle Strain

The majority of episodes of acute lower back pain are caused by damage to the muscles and/or ligaments in the low back. Even though a muscle strain doesn’t sound like a serious injury, the low back pain can be surprisingly severe and is the cause of many emergency room visits each year.

  • A muscle strain happens when the muscle is over-stretched or torn, resulting in damage to the muscle fibers (a pulled muscle).
  • A lumbar sprain happens when ligaments are stretched too far or torn. Ligaments are very tough, fibrous connecting tissues that connect the muscles to the bones and joints.

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