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Foods That Can Relieve Hearburn

Hearburn - Safe Foods to Use

Some foods can relief heartburn and are safe while others enhance acid reflux symptoms. You've got to keep this under consideration when making arrangements for a diet to control heartburn. Some foods lie in between and could cause harm only when taken excessively. You have to rigorously plan your diet over a period to discover the consequences of the actual effects of the foods you are consuming. Keep the diet flexible and not rigid depending on your past experience a certain kind of food vis-à-vis its effect on your acid reflux.

Usually Safe Foods

The following lists common foods that are just about safe for folk suffering from the symptoms of acid reflux:

-Fruits : dried or fresh apples, apple juice, bananas, pears, melons, berries
-Vegetables : Peas, cabbage, broccolis, carrots, beans, baked potatoes
-Dairy : Fat free sour cream and cream cheese, fat free soy cheese, skimmed low fat milk and yogurt
-Meat : Fat-free meat, skinless chicken breast, turkey, fish, egg whites
-Grains: White bread, corn bread, oatmeal, rice, rice cakes, pretzels
-Beverages: Non-citrus juices, non-mint decaffeinated herbal tea, mineral water
-Fats and Oils: Low-fat salad dressing
-Sweets, desserts: Jelly bins, reduced fat Cookie

Heartburn Relief Foods

Investing a little time in discovering foods that cause the symptoms or aggravate your heartburn goes a long way in preventing the condition. Note down the foods that have negatively influenced you and if similar results occur over a period of time, avoid those foods. There's no strictly ideal diet as foods not affecting others may worsen your acid influx. Among the commonest acidic reflux foods are the ones high in fat like meat, fried foods and cheese or ice cream. Spicy preparations and citrus fruits are also acid reflux foods. Among plants, tomatoes and onions are high in acid and so are caffeinated drinks which are best avoided. A correct diet can prevent acid backwash from turning into more heavy ailments.

Copyright - James Mwangi 2009. Founder and Owner of Acid Reflux Articles. This is a complete article resource to help folks understand acidic burn illness, select the best acid reflux cure, product reviews, heartburn related books and lots more information about acid burn, as we are keen about helping as many folks as practical regain and maintain perfect health.

If you are totally serious of finding a cure to your condition, as well as getting real worth for your cash, then I highly suggest you to TAKE ACTION NOW and learn the way to naturally cure your GERD, acidic reflux, bile reflux or any digestive problem by going to No More Heartburn.

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