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7 Insomnia Tips To Help You Sleep Better Each Night

These insomnia tips are not just for people with bad cases of insomnia (otherwise known as Chronic insomnia). In truth, these insomnia tips can be used by anyone and everyone whom is having a hard time getting to sleep each night. That being said, if you want to get to sleep faster and stay asleep longer, follow these simple tips.

1. A regular bedtime means more restful sleep.
Having regular routines might not be your "thing", but it's the best way to program your body to know when it's time to sleep. So, make it a goal to go to bed the same time each night. It may be difficult at first due to the fact that you're not completely tired, but after awhile, your body will get the hint and you'll fall asleep in no time.

2. Warm milk soothes jagged nerves.
Believe it or not, you might not be getting enough sleep because of your nerves. Calm and sooth your nerves with a glass of warm milk 15 minutes before bed and you'll have no problem getting to sleep.

3. Naps hurt, they don't help.
It may seem like a swell idea at the time, but that nap will actually hurt your sleeping habits more than it will help them. A nap makes you less tired, making it harder to fall asleep when bed time comes around. Avoid the nap so that you can sleep better later.

4. Rest on your back, not on your front.
Sleeping on your back is the best possible position for relaxation. While on your back, all of your organs will rest peacefully in their proper positions. While sleeping on your sides or stomach, unwanted pressure will be applied to your vital organs.

5. Sleep With Your Feet Facing North.
This may be the strangest of insomnia tips, but it is a widely held belief in India that the body is just one big magnet; much like the north and south pole. By sleeping with your feet (South Pole) pointing to the north, it is said that you can get a more recuperative sleep.

6. The Bed is For Sleep.
Your body needs to know that your bed is for sleep, period. Working, watching TV, reading a book, planning tomorrows activities, etc. isn't going to help your insomnia problem. Having said that, keep activities to a minimum while in your bed; this way, your body will be able to easily identify "bed" with "sleep".

7. Take a Relaxing Bath.
A nice warm bath, 15-20 minutes before bed, is one of the best relaxation techniques around. Simply relax in the tub for awhile and then head off to bed. Insomnia home remedies don't get much easier than this.

Will these 7 insomnia tips cure your sleeping problems? Probably not, unfortunately. However, using these tips regularly will definitely make your insomnia problem LESS of a problem. If you don't think so, well, you could always just go spend your hard earned cash on expensive, and rather useless over the counter sleep aids.

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