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Insomnia Tips - Cure Insomnia Fast in 7 Easy Ways

Did you know that the effect of insomnia can be more than just a lack of concentration & focus? No? Well, don't be surprised, as most people have no clue that insomnia is more than just a "temporary" nuisance. In fact, if not kept in check, insomnia can lead to an onslaught of illnesses and diseases, which is due to the lessening of individual's immune system. Having said that, if you want to keep insomnia from destroying your life, follow these 7 insomnia tips.

7 Insomnia Tips for a Better Nights Rest.

Avoid Alcohol, Caffeine, and Tobacco:

Non-herbal tea, soft drinks, coffee, and even some foods contain high amounts of caffeine which will keep you up as opposed to helping you fall asleep. In addition, studies show that alcohol and tobacco usage upsets the natural sleeping process, thereby preventing a person from obtaining a deep, sound sleep.

Sleep On Your Back, Not On Your Sides:

Sleeping on your back, studies prove, makes for a more restful and relaxing sleep. Being on your back allows for all the internal organs in your body to rest properly, without any unwanted pressure being applied; such as when you sleep on your side or stomach.

Keep a Routine:

Try to make it a goal of yours to get up the same time everyday, regardless of the day it is; birthday, holiday, weekend, etc. By keeping a rhythm in your sleeping patterns, your body will know precisely when it's time to go to bed and when it's time to get up.

Use Herbal Teas:

Drinking herbal tea -- be it lavender, chamomile, valerian, passionflower, etc. -- can be a great way to relax and unwind before bed. Many of these teas have natural sedative properties which induce sleep quite quickly. 1 or 2 cups of your favorite herbal tea and you'll be out like a light.

Never Catch Up On "Lost" Sleep:

Just because you didn't get enough sleep yesterday, that doesn't mean you need to sleep in today. That type of thinking is seriously flawed and will do your body and sleeping habits no good; according to most experts that is.

Sleep In a Dark Room With Fresh Air:

As you can well guess, a brightly lit room isn't all that suitable for a good nights rest; even more so if that room isn't properly ventilated. That being said, be sure to sleep in a room with minimal light and proper ventilation. Also, try to set the temperature to around 65 degrees, as studies show this is the most comfortable setting when trying to sleep.

The Bed Is For Sleep, Not Hobbies:

You have to program your body and mind to know that the bed is for sleeping. As soon as you hit that bed, your body needs to know that it's time to sleep, period. Watching TV, reading a book, finishing work, planning tomorrows activities, etc. reverses that "programming" and makes it harder for you to fall asleep.

These few insomnia tips might not cure your sleeping problem completely, but they're sure to help!

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