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Should you or shouldn't you wear a bra When sleep? - bra on or off?

Is it safe to sleep with a bra on? I’ve heard different things.

It is okay to sleep with a bra on, provided the bra is designed for this purpose. Bras designed for sleep (sometimes called leisure bras) are soft, stretchy, and made of smooth, breathable cotton or nylon. They can provide coverage and comfort without causing irritation.
Bras designed for daytime use emphasize support, shaping and minimal slippage. They often have underwires, firm elastic and non-stretch straps. If you wear daytime bras to bed, you are at risk for friction, irritation and sweating beneath the fabric. This can lead to chafing and skin sores on your breasts, chest or shoulders. That’s why you may have heard advice not to go to sleep wearing a regular bra.

The Comfort of Wearing a Bra at Night

Although there is no link between breast cancer and wearing a bra to bed, there is still an issue of being comfortable. Wearing certain types of bras during the day may not be comfortable, such as tight underwire bras. This may not pose a risk with cancer, but it is not good for the skin to poked with an underwire. Being comfortable at night is important to getting a good night's sleep.

How Women Should Wear a Bra

Women should first make sure that a bra fits correctly and comfortably. Women should not wear underwire bras that leave a redness or marks on the skin. Irritation marks indicate the bra does not fit correctly. Women can go braless as long as it is comfortable to them, and they can wear a bra to bed so long as it is comfortable. Massaging the breast does help with circulation, and it may feel good after wearing a bra for a long period of time.

From : teengrowth.com ,ehow.com

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