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Tip to Finding Your Bra Size, Even if Your Department Store Doesnt Carry It.

Bra Stores I really believe that one reason why so many women are wearing the wrong bras size is because local department stores only carry a very limited, standard size selection. We all think that we are suppose to fit in that limited size assortment, which is just not realistic. If you dont perfectly fit in the standard bras size, most women settle for mediocre fit of what is available, on sale and in the prettiest color.

I too, find myself in a rather hard to find size. I am also someone who prefers to stock up on everyday clothing items when they are on sale, which has been harder after learning my proper size. My new strategy is to buy the proper size, on sale and online. If I can find one at the store, I try it on and then stock up on that style through an online retailer. They are well stocked on unusual sizes and have sales all the time. Many offer free shipping deals, as well. Below are a few of my favorite online bra stores that carry a large variety of sizes brands.

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