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Back Problems and Back Muscle Spasm

Most people will have a minor back problem at one time or another. Our body movements usually do not cause problems, but it's not surprising that symptoms develop from everyday wear and tear, overuse, or injury. Back problems and injuries often occur during sports or recreational activities, work-related tasks, or home projects.

Back pain can cause problems anywhere from the neck to the tailbone (coccyx). The back includes:

- The bones and joints of the spine (vertebrae).
- The discs that separate the vertebrae and absorb shock as you move.
- The muscles and ligaments that hold the spine together.

Back injuries are the most common cause of back pain. Injuries frequently occur when you use your back muscles in activities that you do not do very often, such as lifting a heavy object or doing yard work. Minor injuries also may occur from tripping, falling a short distance, or excessive twisting of the spine. Severe back injuries may result from car accidents, falls from significant heights, direct blows to the back or the top of the head, a high-energy fall onto the buttocks, or a penetrating injury such as a stab wound.

Although back pain is often caused by an injury to one or more of the structures of the back, it may have another cause. Some people are more likely to develop back pain than others. Factors that increase your risk for back pain and injury include getting older, having a family history of back pain, sitting for long periods, lifting or pulling heavy objects, or having a degenerative disease such as osteoporosis.

Low back pain may occur in children and teenagers, but children and teens are less likely to see a doctor for low back pain. Although most back problems occur in adults who are between the ages of 20 and 50, back problems in children who are younger than 20 and adults who are older than 50 are more likely to have a serious cause.


Back problems may not be related to an injury.

- Conditions that weaken the spine, such as osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, spinal stenosis, or Paget's disease, can cause back pain. These conditions are most common in older adults. In rare cases, tumours or infections can develop in or around the spine.
- Some medical conditions can cause pain to spread to the back from other parts of the body (referred pain). Many health problems that can cause back pain have nothing to do with the bones, joints, muscles, or ligaments of the back.
- Spinal deformities such as scoliosis, kyphosis (Scheuermann's disease), and spondylolisthesis can cause back pain.
- Chronic pain syndrome caused by a previous injury or degenerative disease with aging can cause back pain.

Back Muscle Spasm

Back muscle spasm is always terribly painful. The muscles contract violently and uncontrollably. Every movement might set off a new series of horrible muscular contractions. This experience is often described as the most painful experience of a person’s life. (I can personally agree with that statement 100%!!!)

Immediate First Aid for Back Muscle Spasm

The best idea for a new injury is rest and ice. Try to relax and find a comfortable position. Avoid any movement that will set off a new series of spasms. Apply ice to the area 10- 20 minutes at a time, every 1 to 2 hours. Do not apply ice for longer than 20 minutes. OTC drugs might be needed for symptomatic relief of severe pain.

From: cure-back-pain.org , health.yahoo.com

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