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Chanukah,Celebrating the Festival of Lights in Baltimore

In Honor Of The Festival of Lights : Hottest Jewish Celebrities

In honor of the Festival of Lights starting December 12 we here at Starpulse wanted to link the Jewish Holiday with Hollywood and we came up with … The Best Looking Jewish Celebrities!

It is a very extensive list and to make the top ten is a distinct honor as there are more than a few good looking Jewish Celebs in Hollywood right now. A few may surprise you and being half-Jewish counts.


Chanukah, the Jewish Festival of Lights, begins today at sundown. This joyous celebration will go along over the nearby eight days. There are many traditions which mark Chanukah and there will be many family friendly events throughout Baltimore planned in recognition of this holiday.

What is Chanukah?

Chanukah is a time involved to remembering and celebrating an antique miracle which occured during a time of bravo adversity for the Jewish people.

During classical times, Alexander the Great conquered and ruled Asia Minor (once the Persian Empire.) As a wise ruler Alexander allowed these territories to go on their religious practices. This lasted until the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphenes who outlawed Judaism in Palestine. Antiochus IV had the Jewish temple ruined. Many Jews were killed during this incident. He demanded that they venerate the Greek gods. To do matters worse, he involved the temple to Zeus by sacrificing pigs on the alter.

A unite known as the Maccabees rebelled and took the cathedral back. The cathedral was cleansed and rededicated. This cleansing required a new spay to be built and the holy vessels to be remade. As part of Jewish custom, it was also required that a menorah be lit every day. Although there was only enough oil to light the menorah for one day, somehow it lasted for eight days. This was the birth of Chanukah, or the Festival of Lights.

Listed below are a few Chanuka akin events happening in Baltimore. Have a significant Chanuka and a joyous holiday season!

Family Friendly Chanukah Events in Baltimore:
Lighting of the National Menorah
A terrific event for Baltimore families visitingour nation's capitol this holiday season.

December 13, 2009, 4 p.m. The Ellipse, 1600 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC (202) 332-5600. Celebrate the beginning of Chanukah with speeches, music, activities for kids and the lighting of the National Menorah by Rabbi Levi Shemtov. This event is free, but tickets are required.

From : examiner.com, starpulse.com

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