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Sharp Pain in Breast - What it can Mean

If a woman starts experiencing sharp pain in breast, it can cause quite a bit of worry. There can be many causes for this type of pain, and most of the causes are benign in nature. If it is something fleeting that happens once or twice and then not again, it is probably nothing to worry about. Often we have pains that are hard to explain and that disappear as fast as they appear. There are muscles around the breasts, and what could seem like a sharp pain in breast may actually be a pain in a nearby muscle caused by strain or slight injury. If the pain persists, however, and seems to definitely be focused in the breast, then more investigation is warranted.

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Sharp pain in breast can be common in women who are premenstrual, and if the sharp pain is felt at this time of the month then hormonal fluctuations are probably the reason. For some women, breast tenderness right before menstruation can be so bad that something simply brushing against the breast can cause a sudden sharp pain. Hot compresses on the breast and anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen can help this kind of pain. Sharp pain in breast during certain stages of pregnancy can also be common as the breasts respond to hormonal fluctuations that prepare them for lactation. The breasts can experience pain during lactation also. In these cases a woman should consult with her doctor before taking any pain medication.

If you are not premenstrual, pregnant or lactating then sharp pain in breast may be more troubling. Especially if the sharp pain seems to be ongoing, then it is a good idea to visit your doctor. Though most of the time the pain does not signify a serious condition, it may still be a condition that needs treatment. If the pain is centered on a certain area of the breast and there is a lump or growth, this should be looked at seriously. Though breast cancer does not usually cause painful lumps, this should still be looked into. Often the sharp pain and lumps are caused by cysts or clogged glands.

A thorough examination of the breasts by a doctor is a good idea once a year anyway, but sharp pain in breast that is not caused by anything obvious warrants a special visit. The doctor may want to take x-rays of the breasts if there is no obvious cause for the pain, or may want to take a biopsy if the pain is centered in one area or comes from an obvious growth. Your doctor can determine the cause of the pain, and together you and the doctor can determine a course of treatment if any is needed.

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